В отделении онкологии Medical Plaza проводится эффективное лечение опухолевых заболеваний. Для каждого пациента разрабатывается индивидуальный план на основе стадии, распространенности процесса, сопутствующих заболеваний и общего состояния. Для выбора оптимального варианта терапии согласно международным протоколам проводится онкоконсилиум. В нашем медицинском центре уже есть случаи выявления опухолевых заболеваний на доклинической (нулевой) стадии.
Вы можете быть уверены в экспертном уровне онкологов, медикаментозной помощи и сервисе!
Ранняя диагностика, применение современных методик лечения, малоинвазивная хирургия и оригинальные препараты, а также качественная реабилитация и реконструкция – это те принципы работы отделения онкологии МЦ «Medical Plaza», которые в комплексе приводят к ожидаемым результатам.
Among the priority areas of the Medical Plaza Medical Center, oncology occupies one of the leading places. At the same time, various methods are being developed and successfully applied, both for the screening of oncological pathology, and activities are carried out in terms of examination and treatment in cases of already existing oncological diseases.
List of services provided in the oncology department
- Screening for the presence of oncopathology;
- Laboratory diagnostics in oncological diseases;
- Surgical interventions in oncopathology;
- Conservative treatment;
- Minimally invasive interventions;
- Reconstructive surgeries and rehabilitation treatment after treatment;
- Dispensary observation of postoperative patients in remission;
- Monitoring and continuing treatment of patients who received primary oncological care in other medical institutions;
- Providing a "second opinion" in controversial issues;
- Hospice.

Oncology Department of the Medical Plaza Medical Center
The oncology department in our center was opened in September 2016. The priority direction of the department is the treatment of neoplasms of the breast and skin, both benign and malignant. Surgical care for tumors of the abdominal cavity and oncogynecology is also actively developing.
In the oncology department of the Medical Plaza Medical Center, tumor diseases are treated by various methods. An individual plan is developed for each patient, taking into account the stage, prevalence of the process, concomitant diseases and general condition. To select the optimal therapy option, according to international protocols, an oncoconsilimum is held.
The following modern methods of treatment are used:
- Surgery
- Chemotherapy
- Symptomatic and supportive therapy
- Comprehensive rehabilitation
Surgical treatment includes reconstructive and plastic surgeries to replace or restore a lost organ. If possible, they are carried out in one stage with the main surgical intervention, for example, mammoplasty for breast surgery.
Treatment is also possible according to a ready-made scheme drawn up by specialists from another medical institution. In particular, if the patient does not want to be away from home for a long time, and the treatment itself took place in a foreign clinic (usually the whole cycle lasts 6-12 months), then we will organize therapy on the spot.
After the operations and treatment, our patients remain under the dispensary supervision of their doctors in accordance with the international protocol. The clinic has all the facilities for examination and dispensary observation. If necessary, we conduct Skype consultations, embodying the principle of "second opinion".
For drug treatment, we use only high-quality certified drugs purchased directly from official channels from the manufacturer. All necessary storage and transportation conditions, such as a cold chain, are strictly observed. And the prices for drugs for chemotherapy due to official direct contracts are lower than in pharmacies.
Diagnosis of tumor diseases is carried out both as part of an examination for the pathology of a particular organ or system and a targeted search, as well as in screening programs. Screenings are regular preventive examinations to detect the disease at the earliest pre-symptomatic stages. In this case, the percentage of recovery with timely treatment is maximum.
In our medical center, there are already cases of detection of tumor diseases at the preclinical (zero) stage.
You can be sure of the expert level of medical care, medical care and service.
The staff of the department, both doctors and nursing staff, have extensive experience working with oncopathology, therefore, they are aimed at creating maximum psychological comfort for patients and their relatives, which is also of great importance at the stages of treatment and recovery.
We are fighting for the lives of our patients!!!
Early diagnosis, the use of modern treatment methods, minimally invasive surgery and original drugs, as well as high-quality rehabilitation and reconstruction - these are the principles of the Oncology Department of the Medical Plaza Medical Center, which together lead to the expected results.
Today, oncological disease is not a fatal diagnosis, if you treat your health carefully and trust specialists.