Medical Center - Medical Plaza

Благодаря отделению вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий Medical Plaza родилось более 1500 здоровых малышей!

Medical Plaza - региональный лидер репродуктивной медицины
Собственная эмбриолаборатория
Прогрессивные методы лечения бесплодия
Эффективность ЭКО более 50%
Наши врачи - репродуктологи
Наши преимущества

Руководствуясь принципами исключительной честности, порядочности, ответственности, дисциплины и высокой профессиональной этики, мы можем сказать, что мы - лучшие в городе Днепр!

  • Лапароскопи Karl Storz

    Maecenas aliquet urna quis magna mattis, non vulputate lectus efficitur. In eleifend, enim eu venenatis imperdiet.

    Лапароскопи Karl Storz
  • Сотрудничество с НСЗУ

    Наши пациенты могут полчить часть медицинских услуг бесплатно согласно Программе медицинских гарантий от государства.

    Сотрудничество с НСЗУ
  • Робот DA VINCI

    Maecenas aliquet urna quis magna mattis, non vulputate lectus efficitur. In eleifend, enim eu venenatis imperdiet, erat elit eleifend justo, nec pellentesque nibh mauris eget diam.

    Робот DA VINCI
  • ICG – флуоресцентная навигационная лапароскопия

    Maecenas aliquet urna quis magna mattis, non vulputate lectus efficitur. In eleifend, enim eu venenatis imperdiet, erat elit eleifend justo, nec pellentesque nibh mauris eget diam.

    ICG – флуоресцентная навигационная лапароскопия
  • Собственная лаборатория

    Более 1500 видов исследований. Специалисты выполняют все виды диагностических тестов, вплоть до микробиологических, биохимических и сложных генетических исследований.

    Собственная лаборатория

Отзывы о нашем медицинском центре

Благодарим за ваше доверие

  • А
    Ангелина, 37
    Моя история очень длинная, мы с мужем 10 лет жили без детей. Из них 5 лет обслуживались в киевской клинике репродуктивных технологий, где потратили неимоверное количество денег, нервов, а главное узнали много горя (пережили выкидыши и смерть двух преждевременно...
  • И
    Инна, 37 лет
    Только благодаря моему гинекологу из женской консультации в Medical Plaza я смогла выносить и благополучно родить свое чудо! Мне 37 лет беременели с помощью ЭКО. Беременность была непростой, 9 месяцев прожила в максимально жизнесберегающем режиме – расписанная по...
  • Н
    Нина, 42 года
    Шесть ЭКО подряд, два раза делали стимуляцию овуляции, замораживали яйцеклетки, бесконечно искали окно имплантации, результат – 0. После шестой попытки руки опустились… Но потом муж уговорил на еще один, последний раунд. Но в другой клинике. Особо не...
  • M
    If you still think about the clinic you should reach out to for long-awaited joy of motherhood, you have to come here. There is very attentive and competent staff. You do not even feel like you are in the hospital. And even if it does not work out at the first try,...
  • A
    Anna Koptenko
    Good, courteous staff at the reception. Doctors simply explain everything and are very attentive to all questions and complaints. Turned to this clinic with question about reproductive technology, the result is now running and laughing. 
  • Д
    Дар'я, 34 года
    Хочу выразить огромную благодарность координатору Бурдельной Татьяне. За профессионализм, человечность и поддержку. Всегда на связи, помогает во всех вопросах. Очень искренний, приятный и человек и профессионал своего дела❤️
  • A
    Anastasia, 32 года
    Спасибо клинике за хорошее отношение. Спасибо врачу Ивах Виктории Ивановне, это наша ФЕЯ🥰 после 5лет попыток в другой клинике, Виктория Ивановна подарила нам счастья🥰🫶. Большая благодарность всему участвовавшему персоналу.
  • Е
    Екатерина, 26 лет
    Мы с мужем обратились впервые, делали ЭКО, искренне благодарю Ивах Викторию Ивановну, ассистенту Татьяне, эмбриологу, команде по операционной и всем другим врачам, которые с нами работали, вы создаете настоящее чудо, в первом же цикле с первой попытки сразу 2 эмбриона...

Caring for reproductive health is one of the main components of the work of the "Medical Plaza" MC. The Center provides a full range of modern services in the field of reproduction. Thanks to the specialists of the Medical Plaza Reproduction Center, 1803 beautiful baby was born.

Ivakh Victoria Ivanovna
 О враче 
Ivakh Victoria Ivanovna 
 Стаж:  26 лет 
 Head of the Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist, candidate of medical sciences 
Borisova Tatyana Ivanovna
 О враче 
Borisova Tatyana Ivanovna 
 Стаж:  28 лет 
 Leading reproductive specialist, obstetrician-gynecologist 

List of services provided in the Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies

  • Primary examination by a reproductologist;
  • The whole range of laboratory examinations in the direction of reproduction;
  • ICSI (injection of sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg);
  • PICSI (injection of pre-selected spermatozoa into the cytoplasm of the egg);
  • Auxiliary hatching;
  • Morphokinetic selection of embryos;
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF).
Quality and affordable medical care
 Quality and affordable medical care 
Equipping with high-tech equipment
 Equipping with high-tech equipment 
High level of service
 High level of service 
Highly qualified specialists
 Highly qualified specialists 

Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Embryology of the Medical Plaza Medical Center

The Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) and Embryology of Medical Plaza MC implements and develops one of the main activities of the center - human reproduction.


The secret of success and high performance consists of a combination of:

  • high technologies;
  • experienced reproductologists;
  • professional embryologists.

Highly professional obstetrician-gynecologists, reproductologists and embryologists work in the ART department of the Medical Plaza Medical Center.

The ART Department at the Medical Plaza Medical Center provides a full range of services at a modern European reproductive clinic: from the most advanced methods for diagnosing the causes of infertility to the widest range of methods for its treatment. Couples from other countries also come to exercise their right to be parents.

In the department of ART

  • intrauterine insemination;
  • in vitro fertilization programs,
  • oocyte and/or sperm donation programs,
  • программы суррогатного материнства,
  • cryocycles.

All our obstetrician-gynecologists, reproductologists have a full arsenal of diagnostic methods: ultrasound examination, which is performed on expert-level General Electrics Voluson devices, colposcopy, echosalpingoscopy, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy.

Own embryo laboratory is equipped with the latest technology. Embryologists have at their disposal an ICSI station, a tablet embryo incubator, a live-primo vision embryo development monitoring system.

Embryologists are fluent in the methods of vitrification (a modern method of cryoprocessing) of oocytes / spermatozoa / embryos and perform the whole range of embryological manipulations:

  • fertilization of oocytes by ICSI, IVF, IMSI, PICSI methods,
  • ejaculate analysis according to WHO standards 2010,
  • MAR test,
  • postcoital test,
  • HBA test.

The combination of the latest equipment and the professionalism of the staff gives excellent results:

The effectiveness of IVF programs in the clinic exceeds 50%, which corresponds to the level of leading European and American clinics.

Thanks to the work of the ART department, more than 500 children have already been born.

"Our children" are born in Portugal, USA, Russia, Israel.

MC "Medical Plaza" has also become a regional leader in reproductive medicine. We help couples in Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kirovograd, Poltava, Mykolaiv, Kherson regions.

The staff of the department is constantly trained, introduces innovations. Our doctors train in the best reproductive clinics in Europe, improve their level by attending international congresses of reproductive doctors, conferences, master classes, where they act as speakers or session moderators and share their experience in managing couples with infertility of various etiologies.

The department's doctors also work in such an important area as oncofertility. This is the study and preservation of the reproductive capabilities of men and women who have been or are being treated for cancer. Most often, sperm or eggs are cryopreserved prior to treatment to protect them from damage from chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. A close tandem of oncologists and reproductologists is a chance to become a parent even after long-term treatment of oncopathology.

The Center is the only partner in Ukraine of the international consortium on oncofertility (Chicago)

Due to the versatility of the medical center, patients of our department have additional advantages: consultations of related specialists, if necessary, recommendations for full preparation for pregnancy. Doctors of the ART department work closely with other departments of the Medical Center - surgical, diagnostic, outpatient, and this allows for the highest quality examination and further treatment of the patient.

With Medical Plaza Medical Center all couples get a chance to become parents!!!

 ONLINEконсультация репродуктолога