Medical Center - Medical Plaza
Quality and affordable medical care
Equipping with high-tech equipment
High level of service
Highly qualified specialists
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Руководствуясь принципами исключительной честности, порядочности, ответственности, дисциплины и высокой профессиональной этики, мы можем сказать, что мы - лучшие в городе Днепр!

  • Лапароскопи Karl Storz

    Maecenas aliquet urna quis magna mattis, non vulputate lectus efficitur. In eleifend, enim eu venenatis imperdiet.

    Лапароскопи Karl Storz
  • Сотрудничество с НСЗУ

    Наши пациенты могут полчить часть медицинских услуг бесплатно согласно Программе медицинских гарантий от государства.

    Сотрудничество с НСЗУ
  • Робот DA VINCI

    Maecenas aliquet urna quis magna mattis, non vulputate lectus efficitur. In eleifend, enim eu venenatis imperdiet, erat elit eleifend justo, nec pellentesque nibh mauris eget diam.

    Робот DA VINCI
  • ICG – флуоресцентная навигационная лапароскопия

    Maecenas aliquet urna quis magna mattis, non vulputate lectus efficitur. In eleifend, enim eu venenatis imperdiet, erat elit eleifend justo, nec pellentesque nibh mauris eget diam.

    ICG – флуоресцентная навигационная лапароскопия
  • Собственная лаборатория

    Более 1500 видов исследований. Специалисты выполняют все виды диагностических тестов, вплоть до микробиологических, биохимических и сложных генетических исследований.

    Собственная лаборатория


An orthopedist-traumatologist is a doctor who deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
The competence of this doctor includes various traumatic injuries, as well as congenital and acquired diseases and deformities of bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Our center employs highly qualified specialists who are ready to provide assistance at any day. Our doctors have advanced techniques and practice an integrated approach to solving patients' problems.

 О враче 
 Стаж:  15 лет 
 Orthopedic traumatologist, specialist in arthroscopy and joint replacement 
 О враче 
 Стаж:  10 лет 
 Doctor orthopedist-traumatologist 
Kirichenko Vadim Yurievich
 О враче 
Kirichenko Vadim Yurievich 
 Стаж:  20 лет 
 Orthopedist-traumatologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences 
Oleksenko Igor Nikolaevich
 О враче 
Oleksenko Igor Nikolaevich 
 Стаж:  32 года 
 Doctor orthopedist-traumatologist, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Candidate of Medical Sciences 

Remember: an early appeal to a specialist can save an active lifestyle for many years!

Surgical treatment for:

  • Pathology of the hip joint
  • Pathology of the knee joint
    • Arthrosis of the knee joint
    • meniscus tears
    • Ligament tears
    • knee injury
  • Pathology of the shoulder joint
  • Pathology of the elbow joint

We use only modern techniques and an individual approach to each patient.

  • Rehabilitation after orthopedic surgeries and injuries
  • Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Rehabilitation and recovery after sports injuries
  • Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Our experts will help you recover and return to your usual way of life as soon as possible.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

Often diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the early stages do not have pronounced symptoms. Only over time, the patient begins to experience pain in the arms, hands, shoulders, elbows or lower limbs.

The most common symptoms for which a doctor is consulted:

  • pain in the lower back and hip area;
  • a characteristic crunch when turning the body or bending at the knee;
  • swelling of the joints;
  • limb deformity;
  • joint pain with weather changes.

Even if the pain is not regular and not intense, doctors recommend making an appointment for a consultation. After all, only timely treatment will help to qualitatively solve the problem that has arisen.

Запись на прием к врачу
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Быстро и удобно выбирайте врача, дату и время визита. Всего за пару клиев


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