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It is widespread, but erroneous that IVF after 40 years is a meaningless procedure that excludes obtaining a positive result (gestation). Indeed, in this age period, the reproductive function of the female body is significantly reduced, therefore it reduces the likelihood of pregnancy. Nevertheless, every woman who has reached the age of 40 and does not have serious health problems has a chance of conception using IVF. Medical Plaza specialists can help you to make your dream come true  and experience this joy of motherhood!


According to experts, based on the average statistics data, a woman's reproductive age, which means the ability to bear and give birth to a child, lasts about 45 years, from the moment of the first menstruation to the onset of menopause, signs of which mostly appear at the age of 50 - 55 years.

In this case, age from 18 - 20 to 35 - 37 is the most favorable for childbirth. During this period, women are full of energy and strength and only a small number suffers from serious systemic diseases that prevent pregnancy. In addition, women have enough time to raise a child.

However, these aspects do not preclude a possibility of pregnancy at a more mature age. IVF at 45 is a fairly common procedure, popularity of which is caused by many factors, including social ones. For example, some ladies strive for childbearing only after achieving certain life goals, however, resources of the body at this point can be exhausted. In such a situation, IVF or in vitro fertilization can help you to know the joy of motherhood and give birth after 40.

Pay attention! For in vitro fertilization or IVF, age restrictions are almost completely absent. However, experts note that after the onset of 45 years, the chances of successful results are extremely small.


If a few decades ago, specialists were skeptical about bearing and giving birth at a relatively late age, but now this is almost a normal situation. To the question of whether IVF is possible after 40 years, representatives of the obstetrics and gynecology sphere respond positively. However, every woman who decides to take such a step should understand that the probability of pregnancy after IVF at 40 is much lower than at a younger age.

Unfavorable outcome of IVF procedure after 40, expert reviews also confirm this fact, it is often the result of a decrease in the level of AMH or Anti-Mullerian hormone. AMH is a kind of litmus test that determines the level of the female reproductive system. Its decrease indicates a slowdown in ovarian activity, decrease in the number of healthy eggs and decrease in the quality of reproductive material necessary for IVF pregnancy after 40 years.

By the way, natural extinction of reproductive function is the most common reason, according to which most partners are not able to conceive a child in a natural way. The ability to get pregnant in the clinic with IVF after 40 is the only way for such couples to have a baby.


Negative reviews about IVF after 40 are widespread: forums, unskilled specialists, ordinary people are extremely skeptical about the possibility of in vitro fertilization in adulthood. However, before taking skepticism into account, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the statistics that indicate a decrease in the possibility of pregnancy naturally occurring in accordance with age indicators:

  •  35 - 37 years old. The possibility of conception in a natural way is not more than 30%.
  •  37 - 42 years old. Not more than 20%.
  •  42 - 45 years old. No more than 5%.

Pregnancy resulting from natural conception after 45 years in the field of obstetrics and gynecology is more a unique phenomenon than norm. Moreover, the percentage of positive IVF results after 40 years is equal to 45-50% of the total number of applicants. But do not forget that the outcome of this procedure depends on a number of the following criteria:

  •  Biological age.
  •  The presence of systemic diseases and pathologies of the reproductive organs.
  •  General state of health.
  •  Diagnosis of infertility and reasons for its formulation.

Decision on whether to do IVF after 40 is made only after a woman undergoes a full medical examination. In addition, specialists at the Medical Plaza center note that the chances of a positive IVF after 40 years are significantly increased if donor material is taken from a woman of a younger age category.


So, to answer the question of whether IVF is done after 40 years is positive, adulthood is not an obstacle to bearing and having a healthy baby. However, specialists of our center pay attention that obtaining positive results is possible only if the woman strictly adheres to certain recommendations:

  •  First of all, it is important to clarify if it is possible to do IVF at your age. There are no age restrictions in this case, however, if a woman has health problems that prevent her from bearing, specialists may refuse to carry out this procedure. It is important to undergo a full examination in a timely manner to eliminate possible risks.
  •  It is important to examine the state of the reproductive system and determine the number of reserve eggs. For this, the specialists of our center will conduct an ultrasound examination, as well as make tests to determine level of hormones.
  •  Upon receipt of positive results, an individual stimulation course will be developed for the patient by taking induction drugs.

Based on the information above, we can analyze some questions: is the IVF effectiveness really high and at what age the procedure can be carried out. In some cases, for example, in the presence of a number of pathologies that prevent conception, in vitro fertilization is the only chance for a woman to have a baby. But it should be remembered that the procedure is not a panacea, after 40 years the possibility of becoming pregnant with IVF is rapidly decreasing. That is why it is worth contacting specialists as soon as possible!

So, IVF after 40 years is by no means the plot of a science fiction book, but a procedure quite feasible within the framework of reality, which provides women of mature age an experience and joy of motherhood. To assess the chances of conception, identify problems that may impede the birth of a baby, and eliminate them, we invite you to a consultation at Medical Plaza. Specialists of our center will help to make a long-awaited dream a reality!

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