Most couples, even if they have problems with conception, do not understand the method of in vitro fertilization. Our clinic, IVF center, will help in solving such issues.

What does it mean to do IVF? In Vitro Fertilization means conception outside the body of the woman. Our fertility clinic will perform the process of conception "in vitro". This technology does not pose a threat to the seed pair or their future child, moreover - it is as effective as possible. The Center of Reproductive Medicine will help to overcome infertility and offers the most perfect methods of conception.

In most cases, it is the physical obstruction of the genital tract for the sperm and ovum that causes the impossibility of fertilization. Our IVF clinic will help to overcome these features of the female body. The presence of this pathology does not affect the ability to bear and give birth to a child. Addressing to the reproduction center will give the opportunity to organize artificial insemination and place the embryo in the uterus of the future mother.

Fetal development after IVF is the same as in natural fertilization. Children born as a result of artificial conception, do not differ from their peers, born without the use of advanced reproductive technology.

Do not be afraid that this method of conception will affect the development or health of the future child. Medical Center "Medical Plaza" recommends IVF procedure, the price of which should not be an obstacle to the dream of becoming a parent. 


The in vitro fertilization procedure only seems to be difficult to implement. IVF can be done in outpatient conditions, which eliminates the need for hospitalization. Our IVF Center conducts reproductive therapy in several stages, let's consider briefly each of them 


Several mature ova are required for in vitro fertilization. Obtaining such material is impossible without hormonal stimulation of the female body. Any reproductive medicine clinic before this procedure will conduct the necessary examination. Only after that the treatment scheme will be developed.

IVF can be performed according to the "long" or "short" protocol, which depends on the physiological characteristics of the female body and may vary in price. Our family planning center will help you choose the optimal therapy, which will fully prepare the uterus for the independent development of the embryo


Once the follicles have been successfully stimulated and ripened, they can be removed. Our Medical Reproduction Center performs such operations under constant control of ultrasound, which guarantees high accuracy. The oocytes are obtained transvaginally, after which they are combined with sperm cells in a special nutrient medium 


The Medical Plaza infertility clinic has a modern fertility laboratory. Special equipment allows you to create all the conditions for conception and formation of the embryo. At the end of this stage, the fertilized ova are moved to the incubator for further development.

The growth of embryos is monitored on a regular basis to ensure that there are no abnormalities in their development. It takes 2-5 days to mature embruyos, after which they are transferred to the uterus. Usually 1-2 embryos are enough to carry the fetus, and the remaining biomaterial can be cryopreserved for further family planning


Our infertility center performs embryo transfer surgery 3-5 days after fertilization. This procedure is completely painless and is performed with the help of a special catheter 


Contacting IVF clinics, you may hear the following causes of infertility and indications for IVF treatment:

  •     Complete obstruction or lack of uterine tubes;
  •     Cellular pathology of the pelvic organs;
  •     Detection of abnormalities in ovulation or growth of follicles;
  •     Hormonal disorders and endometriosis;
  •     Unsuccessful attempts at intrauterine insemination;
  •     Negative stimulation of follicle growth;
  •     Ovarian exhaustion and infertility after 36 years;
  •     Manifestation of infertility in men.