Medical Center - Medical Plaza
Раздел услуги

Rehabilitation is a comprehensive approach that restores a person's social adaptation and improves his quality of life. In rehabilitation, methods are used that are aimed at maximizing the restoration of impaired body functions, and if this cannot be achieved, the development of compensatory and replacement devices.

The rehabilitation doctor pays great attention to methods based on biological feedback. The early start of rehabilitation measures is important from the point of view of preventing degenerative changes in tissues (which is especially important in neurological diseases), ensures a favorable course and outcome of the disease, and serves as one of the points in the prevention of disability (secondary prevention).

Oleksenko Igor Nikolaevich
 Про лікаря 
Oleksenko Igor Nikolaevich 
 Стаж:  32 года 
 Doctor orthopedist-traumatologist, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Candidate of Medical Sciences 

Types of rehabilitation carried out in our Center

  • post-traumatic;
  • with back pain;
  • with arthrosis of the joints;
  • with sports injuries;
  • after knee arthroscopy;
  • after rupture of the Achilles tendon.

Restoration of movements in the joints of the limb after sports injuries of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Restoration of movements in the joints of the extremities after muscle injuries
  • Restoration of movements in the joints of the extremities after tendon injuries
  • Restoration of movements in the joints of the extremities after injuries of the capsular part of the joint

Restoration of movements in the spine after sports injuries of the muscles of the spine

Restoration of movements in the joints of the limb after sports injuries of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Restoration of movements in the joints of the extremities after muscle injuries
  • Restoration of movements in the joints of the extremities after tendon injuries
  • Restoration of movements in the joints of the extremities after injuries of the capsular part of the joint

Restoration of movements in the joints of the limb after traumatological or orthopedic surgery

Restoration of movements in the joints after the removal of immobilization due to injuries

Restoration of movements in the joints of the limb after neurological diseases

Restoration of movements in the spine after spinal injuries

Restoration of movements in the spine after diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Restoration of movements in the spine after neurological diseases

Restoration of movements in the spine after neurosurgical surgery


  • Kinesiology support for pregnant women during pregnancy (prevention of pain in the lumbar spine and / or joints)
  • Kinesiology postpartum support to correct posture and prevent diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles


  • Muscular-fascial correction of central occlusion after orthopedic intervention in dentistry
  • Muscular-fascial correction of central occlusion after orthodontic intervention in dentistry
  • Muscular-fascial correction of central occlusion after diseases of the temporomandibular joint


  • Treatment of flat feet (restoration of impaired biomechanics of movements in the foot and the formation of the transverse and longitudinal arches of the foot)
  • Restoration of impaired biomechanics of movements in the lower limbs with valgus curvature of the legs
  • Restoration of disturbed biomechanics of movements in the lower limbs with varus curvature of the legs
  • Treatment of scoliotic posture (restoration of impaired biomechanics of movements in the intervertebral joints)
  • Treatment of scoliosis (C - shaped, S - shaped, Z - shaped) and restoration of disturbed biomechanics of movements in the intervertebral joints

What is rehabilitation for?

To eliminate motor, psychological, functional defects.

The goals and objectives of the rehabilitation specialist: adaptation to everyday life and work, prevention of the development of pathological processes leading to temporary or permanent disability, i.e. implementation of secondary prevention measures.

Services provided by a rehabilitation therapist in Dnipro at Medical Plaza

  • kinesiotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • physiotherapy;
  • kinesio taping;
  • manual muscle testing;
  • trigger point therapy.

Why are Medical Plaza rehabilitation specialists among the best?

They look for the reason why you are in pain, what this pain is connected with, only after that they carry out screening tests and select an individual rehabilitation program.

How is a rehabilitation appointment? What is the difference between the appointment of a rehabilitologist and the appointment of a neuropathologist or traumatologist?

Problem name

Method of rehabilitation

Sports injury

Kinesiology taping

Rehabilitation after TBI and stroke (stroke)

exercise therapy
Bobath therapy
Multi-needle therapy
Coordination and dynamics therapy

In addition to the classic examination, testing is carried out in dynamics and statics (running, walking, squatting, etc.)

Quality and affordable medical care
 Quality and affordable medical care 
Equipping with high-tech equipment
 Equipping with high-tech equipment 
High level of service
 High level of service 
Highly qualified specialists
 Highly qualified specialists 

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